The great temporary exhibitions

09.06.09 > 27.09.09


Arithmetics of Troy

One day, Lanfeust, a blacksmith’s apprentice living in the magical world of Troy, began a quest of initiation after discovering that he had extraordinary powers. “Lanfeuse de Troy” hit the bookstores like a UFO in 1994.

Since that time, this heroic fantasy series full of fun and invention, has convinced several million readers.
One day, Lanfeust, a blacksmith’s apprentice living in the magical world of Troy, began a quest of initiation after discovering that he had extraordinary powers. “Lanfeust de Troy” hit the bookstores like a UFO in 1994. Since that time, this heroic fantasy series full of fun and invention, has convinced several million readers.
With the help of the author and creator, Christophe Arleston, the exhibit proposes a playful, original discovery of the various worlds that make up this star series published by Soleil publishers.


Is Christophe Arleston an author, an explorer or a magician?  Everything he touches seems to turn to gold. Since the beginning of Lanfeust of Troy, some 15 years ago, the series has put out several offshoots.  And each of them has been among the best-selling comic strips for the year. In all, 6 million albums have been sold.  What hides behind this phenomenal success? Arleston has managed to use the codes of the medium for his own purposes and to add just the right touch of comedy, burlesque, adventure, suspense, and imaginary worlds.


Troy, the planet where the Lanfeust adventure started, is a land of huge potential, continually re-invented by the author and his drawers. Arleston has made this first world his home base.  Sometimes he takes a closer look at the people living there, sometimes he focuses on the  trolls. Then again, he may explore uncharted lands on the planet. Or he may stay in the same place but go back two centuries ago – or four millennia. And each drawer taking possession of a part of this world has the possibility to reinterpret his own vision of Troy.


For the first time, the Belgian Comic Strip Center is organizing an exhibit that is not based on a single graphic work, but on a coherent group of several comic strip artists with their own personalities built up around a single creator.  By doing so, this exhibit corresponds perfectly to the Center's policy this year, as it celebrates its 20th anniversary. The worlds of Troy are a perfect answer to the question: "What has changed in comic strips in the last 20 years?" Arleston has invented one thing among others: the success of a writing style orientated first and foremost towards young teenagers.  And he has built a basic universe like a spiderweb.  Soon, the children of Lanfeust's first fans will be caught up in it too …


Thierry Bellefroid


Exhibit commissioner: Thierry Bellefroid

In a partnership with Brussels BD 2009

With the support of the Brussels-Capital Region


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